In case you'd like more detailed information to be able to query your own event stats, you can export some information about the Challenges that have been completed and the Badges that have been earned so far.
Basic Data
Both the Challenge and Badge exports will include the Username and Email associated with each player.
Challenge Data
The Challenge Data exports also include:
- Total score
- Bonus score
- Date joined
- List of all challenges and how many points earned for each (if blank, then it has not been completed yet)
Badge Data
The Badge Data exports also include:
- List of all badges and which have been earned by each player (if blank, then it has not been completed yet)
Exporting Challenge & Badge Data
- First navigate to our Eventzee Web App on a computer and login to your admin account.
- Open the side menu to access the [Admin] area.
- Open the Admin area's side menu to click on [Export].
- Then select the Badges or Challenges tab at the top.
- Once ready, tap on the [Download] button in the top right corner with the cloud and down arrow icon.